Anonymous | Finnegan Family Foundation | Neurocrine Biosciences |
Adams Street | Fox in a Box Chicago | Northern Trust |
After School Matters | Frechette Family Foundation | Old Town School of Folk Music |
American Family Institute for Corporate and Social Impact | Friends of the Chicago River | Patagonia |
The Andover Companies | Guaranteed Rate | Perkins Eastman |
Baxter | Heitman | Pernod Ricard Winemakers |
Becker’s | HUB | PNC |
The Brinson Foundation | Hunter Family Foundation | PNC Foundation |
Cafe Jumping Bean | Illinois Action for Children | Portillo’s |
Chicago Architecture Center | Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity | Preston Design & Construction Consulting |
Chicago Athletic Clubs | Illinois Department of Human Services | PRP Wine International |
Chicago Botanic Garden | Illinois State Board of Education | RAH RAH’s Creative Studio |
Chicago Commons | IMC Chicago Charitable Foundation | Robert R. McCormick Foundation |
The Chicago Community Foundation | ITW | Schreiber Philanthropy |
The Chicago Community Trust | Jack and Jill of America, Inc. | Six Flags |
Chicago Department of Family and Support Services | James C & Norma I Smith Foundation | Steans Family Foundation |
Chicago Mahogany Tours | Joffrey Ballet Chicago | Stuart-Rogers Photography |
McCormick Bridgehouse & Chicago River Museum | Kohl Children’s Museum | Superdawg Drive-In |
Chicago White Sox | KOVAL | Susan and Stephen Baird Family Foundation |
Chicago Wolves | Labelmaster | Synchrony |
Chipotle Mexican Grill | Lake Geneva Cruise Line | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
Cintas | Lake Geneva Ziplines & Adventures | U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development |
The Clutter Curator | Lakeshore Learning | UI Health |
CME Group Foundation | Latinos Progresando | United Way of Metro Chicago |
The Coleman Foundation | Valenti | |
Constructive Playthings | Lohengrin Foundation | Visibly |
Cook County Justice Advisory Council | Lou Malnati’s Pizzeria | Vivo Foundation |
Cooper’s Hawk Winery & Restaurants | Lyric Opera of Chicago | Walgreens |
Crown Family Philanthropies | Marc and Jeanne Malnati Family Foundation | Walt Disney World |
Enterprise Holdings | Marc Malnati Gift Trust | William G. McGowan Charitable Fund |
Erie Neighborhood House | Mary V Duffy Charitable Foundation | Wines for Humanity |
Erikson Institute | Micro-Tech U.S.A. | Wintrust Bank |
Escape Factor | Movement | Zanies |
Exelon | Music Box Theatre | Zacek-McVay Fund at The Chicago Community Foundation |
Field Museum | National Philanthropic Trust | |
Anonymous | Matt Culver | Kelly Hassenfelt | O’Brien McMahon | Alec Schwengler |
Jessica Abarca | Sophie Culver | Reginald Haynes | Tara Meyer | Theresa Scott |
Aisha Achesah | Jessica Currie | Latoya Hazzard | Megan Milich | Kaylee Serbin |
Mike Adam | George Dakis | Mary Heslinga | Jeffrey Millar | Avni Shah |
Eric Adelstein | Melinda Dal Corobbo | Anne Hills | Maddie Mills | Kelly Shanly |
Eesha Agarwal | April Daly | Benjamin Ho | Cotis Mitchell | Douglas Shee |
Scott and Angelica Ahlman | Marilyn Darnall | Carolyn Hoehn | Arlene Mitchell-Pace | Marianna Sherwan |
Naveed Ahmed | Cristina De La Rosa | Jolie Holliman-Douge | David Moody | Radhika Shetty |
Ahsan Akbar | Adesina Dean | Jay Hollins | John Moony | Kim Shikami |
Michael Albrecht | Sam del Rosario | Judy and Gary Hool | Deborah Moroney | Joe Shoaf |
Nick Amoroso | Edgar Delgado | Laura Hool | Tammy Morris | Laurie Siehs |
Julie Anbinder | Xochitl Delgado | Lisa Hopkins | Juan Pablo Mosqueda | Caleb Sjoblom |
Mamie Andry | Denise Dell Isola | Terry Horn | Bela and Rajiv Moté | Sara Slaughter |
Berkelee Asare | David Dennis | Mark Hudgins | Arthur Murnan | Cathern Smith |
Brenda Asare | Russell Dever | Tara Huffington | John Murphy | John Smith |
Michael Asare | Paul DiCaro | Siobhan Hunter | Mary Murphy | Karl Smith |
Beth Baker | John Dierolf | Jocelyn Hurley | Katherine Mutchnik | Rya Smith |
James Baldwin | Carly DiVito | Barbara J Boney | Stacy Mytty | Whitney Smith |
Alejandra Balicki | Joan Donahue | Andrew Jahnke | Angelica Negrete | Suman Sood |
Laura Baray | Christine and Christopher Donnelly | Pia Jala | Lakesha Nelson | Mariana Souto-Manning |
Lyndsi Barboza | John Donovan | Kerline Janvier | Robert Nelson | Betty Spartz |
Christine Bartosiak | Steve Downs | Xander Jenkin | Mi Kyong Newsom | Taylor Spellings |
Melanie Bath | Tatyana Drakhlis | Tejas Joshi | Nikki Newsome | Heather Steans |
Nick Baxter | Christine Drane | Stacy Juchno | Latrece Noble | Eric and Tammy Steele |
Mark Beaumont | Anthony Duffey | Sarah Juergens | Theresa Nolan | Joanne Steinback |
Brian Beetz | Jill Duffy-Baricovich | Phil Kaplan and Marcia Bogolub | Rachel Oakes | Susan Stewart |
Kathy Beetz | Chris Dunderdale | Margi Khan | Roxanna Ocampo | Bryan Stokes |
Rhonda Bell | Geoffrey Dundon | Jude Kieltkya | Katie Olsen | Jean Stoll |
Cathy Berlin-Obregon | Bob and Valerie Dunham | Mike Kilinskis | Sarah Olsen | Bonita Stowell |
Brenda Berman | Tracie Dunifer | Norlaine King | Kirk Openchowski | Tim Stride |
Lauri Berman | Vicki Dunn | Sara Klavan | Theodis Pace | Emma Sullivan |
David Berner | Jonathan Eig | Loren Klein | Aristeo Pasia | Amy Tarr |
Truth Betts-McCullum | Debbie Ellenbogen | Karl and Deb Koenig | Kathryn Pavlu | Elizabeth Tatom |
Geraldine Beutin | Courtney Elliott | Julie Kohrt | Janaina Perez | Karen Teitelbaum |
Ann Marie Beyers | Rochelle Ellison | Christina Krasov | Juan Perez | Rodrigo Tejeida Estrada |
Aida Bicakcic | Ricardo Estrada | Amy Krass | Lauren Perotti | Lindsay Theile |
Julie Biederman | Hannah Faughnan | William Krippinger | Christine Perri | Brandon Tran |
Michele Black | Eriberto Feliciano | Joseph Krolicki | Martha Peterson | Michael and Karen Trout |
Elissa Blackstone | Lauren Fette | Stefanie and Andrew Curley | Heather Pezewski | Radoslaw Uchacz |
John Blasi | Robert Finn | Anna Kukevich | Amit Philip | John Unhock |
Samuel Boley Jr | Megan Finnigan | Joanne Kushner | Ira Pilchen | Shea Upadhyay |
Margaret Boyd | Jamie Fishman | Sandra Lahera | Alberto Pina | Edgaras Valecka |
Kimberly Bradley | Alison Fitzgerald | Angelica Lasala | Amye Pizzurro | Tom Van Bogaert |
Christine and Fred Brambila | Grace Flaherty | Belle Lasala | William Pogorelec | Evelyn Vargas |
Doug Brody | Aurora Flores Garcia | Yolanda Lawler | Suzanne Poland | Melanie Varrato |
Jason Bryan | Paul Foley | Moon Lee | Karen Pugh | Pooja Venkit |
Brook Bufton | Christie Franks | Leanne Lemus | Linda Rainey | Jared Verdejo |
Alexander Bui | Jon Fraser | Eric LePenske | Sabah Raja | Alina Viola |
Valenti Builders | Kathy Frerichs | Jonathan Lindell | Ramu Ramachandran | Rebecca Vonderlack-Navarro |
Maree Bullock | Gregory Freson | Rachael Litvin | Erica Rangel | Aaron Voyles |
John and Denise Burns | Jason Friedman | Janis Lofberg | Brent Rasmussen | Michael Vrchota |
Kathy Buscaglia | Christopher Fry | Heidi Lohmann | Gloria Readus | Peter Vujanovic |
Jonathan Busch | Lisa Frye | John Londay | Laura Renaldo | Shrinal Vyas |
Mike Butler | Jessica and Scott Gaito | Mallory Lopeman | Gwen Rhoades | Jodi Wallace |
Mario Butler-Del Rio | Bob Gannet | Mary Lopert | Kenneth Riley | Lenae Wallace |
Suzanne Canar | Mario F Garcia | Jennifer Lopez | Jessica Ring | Jerry Walleck |
Marisa Canez | Nora Garcia-Chiquito | Ryan Lothian | David Robertson | Shawauna Ward |
Chris Cannova | Devin Gearty | Kim Luegers | James Robertson | Tom Ward |
Matt Cantlin | Michael Gelobter | Yolanda Luna-Mroz | Federico Rodriguez | Candice Washington |
Diana Carney | Todd Gettelfinger | Arun Madisetty | Jessica Rodriguez | Lara Washington |
Venus Carr | Joseph Glossberg | Larry and Mary Mages | Jose Rodriguez | Inalynn Watts |
James Carson | Carmen Gonzalez | Mark Maggiore | William Rodriguez | Erika Weiman |
Chris Casper | Bharathimohan Gopal | Jessica Mainor Griffin | Laurie Rogowski | Darryl Welton |
Alicia Castañeda Rodriguez | Sachin Goswami | Kelsey Malnati Howell | Benjamin Rubin | Jane Wenger |
Angela Cavin | Janis Graham Lofberg | Saravanakumar Manian | Juleigh Ruby | Beata White |
Lawrence Christensen | Rob Grant | Vidal Martinez | Maria G Ruiz | Meghan White |
Melody Colette | Anais Graves | Jeanne Mason | Jill Runk | Michelle Wiebold-tweet |
Robin Conner | Magda Grebska | Pascal Masset | Paul Russell | Robert Wierema |
Jim Conwell | Cornelia Grumman | Anna Mattson | Kelly Ryan | Kaitlyn Williams |
Thomas Conwell | Albanie Gutierrez | Thomas Mauro | Tim Ryan | Rani Williams |
Kate Coppinger | Luis Gutierrez | Jenny May | David Saltiel | Murray Wolbach, III |
Donna Copre Bast | Carol Gyimatey | Kristine May | Anne Salvador | Dylan Yahn |
Kelly Cotton | Olivia Hadley | Joe McFadden | Scott San Filippo | Zandrea Yates |
Andrew Crestodina | Andrew Hahm | Mike McGarry | Sydney Sandock | Nick Yoder |
Sonja Crum Knight | Sanela Halilovic | Jennifer McHale-Bryar | Rebekah Scheinfeld | Brendan Yost |
Julissa Cruz | Taylor Hanson | Sean McKeon | Alan Schoen | Jeffery Yost |
Carter and Donna Culver | Amiel Harper | Joseph McLaughlin | Megan Schroeder | Gayle Zinger |
Anonymous | Exelon Corporation | Micro-Tech USA |
Adams Street Partners | Finnegan Family Foundation | North Park Covenant Church |
Albank | Hub International | PNC Foundation |
American Family Insurance Institute for Corporate and Social Impact | IBM Employee Charitable Contribution Campaign | RBN Insurance Services |
Anonymous | Illinois Action for Children | Robert R. McCormick Foundation |
Anonymous | Illinois Network of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies | Rush University Medical Center |
AT&T United Way | Jack and Jill of America (West Suburban Chicago Chapter) | S.B. Enterprises, Ltd. |
Baxter International, Inc. | Jack and Jill of America (Western Cook County Chapter) | Saint Anthony Hospital |
Becker’s School Supplies | James C. and Norma I. Smith Foundation | Sinai Chicago |
Chubb Group of Insurance Co. | Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Kansas City | Steans Family Foundation |
Cintas | John and Kathleen Schreiber Family Foundation | The Brinson Foundation |
CME Group Foundation | Latinos Progresando/Marshall Square Resource Network | The Chicago Community Trust |
Crown Family Philanthropies | Lockton Companies | The Coleman Foundation |
Dream Source Solutions | Lohengrin Foundation | United Way of Metro Chicago |
Eugene Tkalitch and Associates | Marc and Jeanne Malnati Family Foundation | Vivo Foundation |
William G. McGowan Charitable Fund |
Aaron Voyles | Jan EIkum | Martha Peterson |
Adam Case | Jane Wenger | Mary Frye |
Adam Hachikian | Janet Hoffman | Mary Mitchell |
Ahsan Akbar | Janet Nelson | Mary Monroe |
Alan Schoen | Janice Barron | Mary Zier |
Alberto Pina | Janice Carnegie | Marylou Cotas |
Alejandra Balicki | Jean Stoll | Matt Garvey |
Alex Schrammel | Jeanne Mason | Matthew Krecun |
Alicia Flores | Jeffery Yost | Meagan Cataldo |
Alicia Morado | Jeffrey Millar | Meg White |
Allison Chamberlain | Jeffrey Schroeder | Megan Fassl |
Amy Kellum | Jennifer Steans | Melanie Varrato |
Andrew Curley | Jenny Wines | Melody Colette |
Andrew Hahm | Jessica Gaito | Michael Albrecht |
Angelica Negrete | Jigar Gandhi | Michael Datz |
Angelica Salazar | Jill Resendiz | Michael Hamill |
Ann Marie and Joe Arden | Jill Runk | Michael Kaufman |
Ann Paul | Jill Santens | Michele Rivkin |
Anne Hills | Jim Conwell | Michelle Court |
Anonymous | Jim Dailey | Mike Adam |
Anthony and Carol Carfang | Joanne Steinback | Mike Butler |
Antonia Ebert | Jocelyn Hurley | Mirsada Durakovic |
Antonio Marshall | Joe Glossberg | Nick Roman |
Aristeo Pasia | Joe Nicchetta | Olivia Hadley |
Arsenio Mims | John Blasi | Oluwajomiloju Ibirogba |
Arthur Murnan | John Donovan | Paige Ryder |
Artilada Williams | John Lineback | Pascal Masset |
Barbara Mitros | John Londay | Patricia Chesler |
Beata White | John Schott | Pete Fawcett |
Bela Moté | John Smith | Peter Burghardt |
Beth Baker | John Taylor | Philip Kaplan |
Bharathimohan Gopal | Jon Korfmacher | Rachel Craig |
Brian Caldwell | Jonathan Busch | Rachel DeBeliso |
Brian Gibson | Joseph Krolicki | Rani Williams |
Brian Koertgen | Joseph McLaughlin | Rashpal Singh |
Brooke Ferguson | Joseph Miriyala | Reginald Haynes |
Candice Fox | Joseph Wisniewski | Relbue Burgess |
Carmen Gonzalez | Joyce Wade | René Yarborough |
Carol Gyimatey | Judah Viola | Reyna Valdez |
Caroline Onagan | Jude Kieltkya | Richard Jimenez |
Carter Culver | Judy and Gary Hool | Robert Finn |
Catherine Grover | Judy Kaye Surinak | Robert Pettit |
Cathy Berlin-Obregon | Julie Anbinder | Robin Conner |
Cesar Medina | Kaman Cipi, MD | Rodolfo Gutierrez |
Charity Franco | Karen Raino | Russell Dever |
Chris Dunderdale | Karin Grear | Ruthie Kowalk |
Chris Miceika | Karl and Deb Koenig | Ryan Alwood |
Chris Smith | Kathryn Pavlu | Ryan Lothian |
Christie Franks | Kathy Buscaglia | Ryan Thomas |
Christine Brambila | Kathy Frerichs | Sabarinathan Subramani |
Christine Drane | Katie Coogan | Sabina Green |
Christine Perri | Kelley Brooks | Sachin Goswami |
Cindy Kramer | Kelly Cotton | Sam Ryan |
Claire Podulka | Kelly Katrichis | Sandra Lahera |
Clara Tracogna | Kelsey Howell | Sanela Halilovic |
Colleen Tancredi | Kent Cruickshank | Sara Slaughter |
Craig Esko | Kevin Karol | Sarah Arvanites |
Cristina De La Rosa | Kevin Ogorzalek | Saravanakumar Manian |
Cynthia Fox | Kim Shikami | Scott Ahlman |
Dan Lesser | Kimeri Swanson-Beck | Scott Swanson |
Dani Swade | Kirk Openchowski | Sean Noble |
Danielle Dietrich | Kristen Paluch | Sharyl Slowik |
Danielle Zille | Kristine May | Shaun Smith |
Dara Munson | Kristopher Keys | Shauna Dills |
Darryl Welton | Larry Hightower | Sheila Elberts |
David Berner | Latrece Noble | Shellie Ellison |
David Robertson | Laura Baray | Sonja Crum Knight |
Dawn Kakumba | Laura Hool | Sreenivasa Konduru |
Deborah Moroney | Lauri Berman | Stefanie Kruse Curley |
Dennis Aron | Laurie Rogowski | Stephanie Smith |
Divya Kishore | Lawrence and Mary Mages | Stephen Bertok |
Donna Erwin | Leah Cortes | Steve Bogira |
Dwayne Fry | Leanne Lemus | Steve Downs |
Edgaras Valecka | Lenae Wallace | Suma Kammath |
Elaine Oh | Leslie Goldstone | Suman Sood |
Elisabeth Frye | Leslie Porter | Susan Baird |
Elizabeth Tatom | Lianna Caro | Suzanne Canar |
Elizabeth Zamora | Linda Rainey | Suzanne Costello |
Emma Sullivan | Lisa Keltner | Sydney Steans-Gail |
Eriberto Feliciano | Liz Gavin | Talvis Love |
Eric LePenske | Lydia Bueschel | Tejas Joshi |
Erica Rangel | Lynn Hellwig | Thaddeus Popielewski |
Erika Marchant | Magda Grebska | Thomas Conwell |
Erika Weiman | Mamie Andry | Thomas Mauro |
Fahad Baig | Marcia Wright | Tim Derry |
Gema Pavetti | Marcie McVay | Todd Tushla |
George Terada | Maree Bullock | Tom Basinger |
Glen Noren | Margaret Boyd | Tom Droske |
Gloria Davis | Margaret Perry-Bradley | Troy Heishman |
Hannah Gold | Maria Leja | Ushashree Kolli |
Heather Markey | Maria Villa | Vicki Dunn |
Ira Pilchen | Marianna Sherwan | Vidal Martinez |
Jamellah Braddock Ellis | Marilyn Darnall | Vivian Taylor |
James and Barbara Boney | Mario Butler-Del Rio | Walter Begley |
James and Patricia Robertson | Mario F Garcia | William Krippinger |
James Phelan | Mario Reyes | William Rodriguez |
James Rodgers | Marion Abercrombie | Yaminah Leggett-Wells |
James York | Marj Halperin | Anonymous |